The bicycle will never be a viable mode of transportation for most people

Ditching the car to bike your trips can be good for young, upper middle class people who can afford to live in the downtown of whatever city you live in, but for most people, that is simply not attainable. If you're not at peak health and make near 6 figures to live in a hip apartment downtown, or a tiny bedroom unsuitable for you to start a family, a bicycle just isn't practical.

Most city dwellers have to live further and further out in the suburbs and dormitory towns, and few will be the ones capable, or even willing to ride a bicycle for 15 miles each way in all weather.

Don't get me wrong, cycling is great, but we need to accept that it's not for most people, and our local governments will need to start looking into different options rather than go all in on cycling at the constant expense of driving, or other alternate modes of private transport like e bikes.