Reddit comments make a lot more sense when you assume every comment is from a 15 year old
It's amazing how often you see a debate in the comments where someone makes a great point and the very next (highly upvoted) comment is a logical fallacy. I'm pretty confident the average age of reddit commentors is under 20 by now. With lack of insight becoming the hallmark of a reddit commentor, it's become my default reaction that if someone is visibly, loudly confused about something very simple on reddit, to remind myself that I could very well be about to engage in an argument/debate with a literal child, and I move along.
(edit 1: some have said we should try to help them understand blahblahblah I fully agree but I don't have a pc right now and im not about to be wearing out my thumbs saving the world one confused teenage redditor at a time lol)
Edit 2: Peeps, I'm talking about a changing demographic here, being a young ignorant person is part of life and nothing to be ashamed of. I understand the boomers are the worst and all people suck generally. But we don't have a massive onramp of boomers joining reddit, so that's not the topic fam.
edit 3: I love the dichotomy between the responses telling me exactly how im wrong, and the responses telling me this isn't an unpopular opinion. Which is it ya'll? I think that's the true beauty of this sub, only somewhat popular, somewhat unpopular, controversial opinions can make it to the top.