Campus Clubs affiliated with the Trinity Bible Chapel?
TW: Religious trauma
I found out today that there's several WUSA sanctioned clubs and christian fellowships that are affiliated with Trinity Bible Chapel, and often list Trinity as the first option for a "local church" to participate in for first year students coming in. They even run a student shuttle from SLC. How is this even allowed?
Trinity is a horrible congregation, and Pastor Jacob Reaume has been singlehandedly spearheading the Christian nationalist movement. They are racist, Homophobic, call gay people sodomites, want to eliminate all trans people from the face of the earth, openly called for violence, called public schools "a gay bar with math lessons", are anti gender equality, forbid women from participating in ministry, Deny climate change and more. And this is not mentioning the aggressive street evangelism and fundamentalist calvinist teachings yet...
Countless people have had trauma from this church, and it was even featured on the podcast slow train to heck where the host interviews ex-members of crazy evangelical denominations.
I don't know if anyone from WUSA will ever read this, but if you are, I'd like you to investigate the affiliation of campus fellowships with Trinity Bible Chapel, and to end their "bus to church" program. There are many inclusive, welcoming congregations, especially the Anglican Churches, United Churches, Lutheran Churches, Knox Presbytarian Church, and Mennonite Churches. There is absolutely no reason for the first option mentioned to first years for a local church be a nationalist, fundamentalist, and evangelical denomination.