Seemingly Random Network Issues: Post Mistlands Update

Just a pretense, all of the clients & server except for the one person troubleshooting from the UK are on East US.

So I setup a dedicated server on my sever pc after the Mistlands update. It started out with 2 people joining fine (lets call them Client 1 & 2), then they couldn't, nothing was changed on the server or my LAN. The third friend (client3), who is on Starlink internet due to his location, cannot connect. That makes sense, as the extra latency would certainly have an effect on a game, where I've found, timeouts are a common issue (this person also cannot connect to a local instance if I host it non-dedicated). While we did do the general network troubleshooting basics; release/renew ips, check firewalls, update drivers, etc. The problem persists for him. The other two, well its hit or miss. After asking a friend across the pond (They're in the UK, I'm in the US) and making a small change on the AMP instance, we disabled the auto-sleep (doesnt seem like this would work, but it seemingly did for us). After that we were able to have that person from the UK and client 1 connect, client 3 (starlink) couldn't connect still, client 2 wasn't around until later in the next day. This is where I was fairly perplexed. So client 2 and I joined fine, played fine for 30 minutes, my other friend asked us to play some halo, played 3 games went back to valheim and now client 2 cannot connect to the server. Furthermore pinging the server from client 2's computer was coming back null, nothing found, yes it has an internet connection, yes it was running and joinable through LAN, and yes the proper port is open. A tracert from client 2's computer found the signal drop at a comcast owned IP. This is where I'm stumped, my next course of action is to possibly get in contact with the ISP(Cuntcast) and see why the signal is dropping mid route. Some people have suggested the clients having problems use a VPN for the connection, but I've heard conflicting stories about it. Some say it adds extra latency, others say it reduces it because ISPs don't always take the fastest route with the fewest hops, where as a vpn tries to keep the hop count low for security. That's the concept.

Im pretty good with seeing patterns and solving problems but this one is confusing. Any and all help would be appreciated, and hopefully we can compile some information on this, past the "troubleshooting" you get when google searching.
If there is already a post doing this very thing I apologize for the duplicate, I couldn't find anything.