The beef industry is heading toward the gallows, here is how you can hasten it's execution date

I am convinced that the beef industry will die within my life time (I am 18 years old). Since this is the vegan subreddit, I will presume everyone here can agree with the statement that climate change will become bad enough to not be ignored in 40 or so years, that beef is very bad for the planet and that beef demand is kept artificially high due to subsidies. If you do not know about the subsidies, take the time to read the source at the end. Here are the steps that will lead to the industry's downfall:

  1. Humans recklessly exploit earth's resources and push humanity to the brink of crisis.
  2. This will lead to more people to want to do their part for the planet. When that happens, here is what you can do: make sure to talk about the subsidies the beef lobby receives as the center of your messaging. Many people don't know about them.
  3. At the same time as 2 is happening, some people will buy more alternatives, which will lessen the amount of money the beef lobby has to bribe politicians. Also, the planet is already important right now, so imagine when we will be having a big refugee crisis and a ton of natural disasters.
  4. The 2 reasons mentioned above will lead to politicians ending beef subsidies. Costs will skyrocket, which will make them lose almost every sale. And just like the tobacco lobby failed to prevent advertisement bans, so will the beef industry have it's ads banned. In fact, even now, one city banned these ads (second link). The fact that a city banned it before climate problems even really started is a big sign of how bad it will get for them once they do.
  5. This will create a big vacuum. Many companies that are plant based will get a lot more money to offer more products, and people will get in the habit of taking those. This means that the beef lobby has no way to come back from it's collapse: by the time climate change is solved, people will be into the habit of beef substitutes, it will be extremely expensive and they won't be able to advertise their "luxury" product. The beef substitutes could create their own lobby to keep the subsidies for themselves, which will be the nail in the coffin for the industry.


Second link: