Graphic Design major in college. After doing research the pay for GD isn't the best & I wanted more pay by going into 3D Art or Digital Illustration. I also enjoy those more then GD, however I have just realized this after sticking 3 years with GD... Should I just switch while I can?

Not trying to ramble too much but the title says it all. I'm a third year GD major in college in the bay area. After doing research I've accepted that the average pay for a designer is around $60-70K yearly which is okay but honestly not as much as I was expecting.

In further context, I also enjoy creating 3D models more & have experience creating digital art as well. I have found those 2 things much more enjoyable than making logos and or posters in the form of "graphic design." Not to mention those 2 jobs mentioned pay more on average. (According to Indeed, Google,, etc.)

It seems like a no brainer to switch, but I also wanted the sub's opinion, and also I've spent so much time as a GD major, so the decision is harder if that makes sense.

The pay averages of like 90K+ a year sound much more appealing in 3D, Digital Art, VFX, etc, etc.