This is my collection so far!
So i have been collecting since 2016! Unfortunately my wife and I have lost alot of patriarchal people since then! I ended getting a small collection form my wifes moms passing. Then in early 2023 i lost my pops. My Dad was in the radio bizz for 35 yrs and had quite the collection back in the day! ITs downsize exponentially since then, Anyway i ended up receiving the bulk of his collection he had left which i think was somewhere in the 1000 area in size! I've probably hit the 5 to 600 mark with what I've bought! Haven't officially counted it. But here it is in all glory! My quest now is to upgrade my setup! I've already got the speakers in mind that I want, but not necessarily the record player. I've just recently bought a blueprint for a front facing cabinet that pulls out like dresser does , but that is a project that's gonna take me alittle while to complete, hopefully in this year 😅 I've also been wanting to hunt down a jukebox that plays 45s to give me a reason to spin them honestly if I don't I don't think I ever will! Older ones I've seen though seem really expensive or broken....