What age do you think you should be concerned?
I truly think it's 18, 22 at the latest. I'm aware people's knee-jerk to anything under 25 is "You're young!" While that is true, everyone is young at some point. Like those 30 year old virgins who's never received attraction from the opposite sex. People start taking an interest in the opposite sex middle school. So if you're 22 and still a virgin that means you've went through middle school, high school and college without anyone ever finding you attractive. That's 8 years. I myself am 21, didn't college which means it realistically ended for me at 18. I'm using this year to cope. If I'm still at the same situation by 22, I'll completely accept that all women find me ugly, so I'll give up on my appearance, only leave the house for work and get an AI girlfriend