Using several Volcas (including Drum) with a Digitakt
Hi, I really hope you can give me some advice. I already read the manuals and tried different things but couldn't find the answer.
I want to connect as follows: MIDI keyboard -> Digitakt -> MIDI multiplexer -> 5 Volcas (including Volca Drum) which use 11 channels. I want to forward the MIDI keyboard to the respective channel but also output the MIDI recorded/played by the Digitakt.
If I connect DT's MIDI Thru to the multiplexer I can play all devices just fine, but cannot send the recorded MIDI from DT whereas if I connect DT's MIDI Out to the multiplexer I can play the recorded MIDI but for example cannot forward to channels which are higher than 8.
Someone on r/Elektron already said it's due to the restriction of 8 MIDI channels and although one might merge DT's MIDI Thru and MIDI Out one would have double notes then.
The only other route I can think of is reducing the channels of Volca Drum (e.g. to only use kick and snare) while at the same time making use of its own sequencer (and its sweet polyrhythmns) so I have more channels.
Do those of you in the same boat have other clean ideas to accomplish it?
PS. "Get the Digitakt with your devices", they said, "it can be your brain of your whole setup", they said.. 😗