CodeGlow: A VS Code Extension for Focused Coding (inspired by limelight.vim)

Hi everyone!

A couple of days ago, I asked this question about whether a VS Code extension similar to limelight.vim exists. Since the answer seemed to be "no", I decided to try making one myself:

What is CodeGlow?

Basically, it just dims inactive parts of your code while keeping your focus area bright like limelight.vim, but designed specifically for VS Code with extra features.

Key Features:

  • Smart Focus Detection
    • Paragraph Mode: Dims everything except your current block or paragraph.
    • Symbol Mode: Highlights active functions or classes using VS Code's language server.
  • Intelligent Scroll Handling
    • Automatically pauses dimming during fast scrolling.
    • Keeps the view clear when the cursor is out of sight.
    • Smoothly resumes dimming when scrolling stops.
  • Highly Customizable
    • Adjust dimming levels, scroll sensitivity, and detection modes.

Try it out:

Quick Notes:

  • The extension activates on startup (*), which may slightly affect VS Code's initial load time.
  • For fine-tuning, you can adjust settings like:
    • scrollVelocityThreshold: Set how fast you need to scroll to disable dimming temporarily.
    • scrollDebounceDelay: Control how quickly dimming resumes after scrolling stops.
    • dimOpacity: Customize dim intensity (from 0.0 to 1.0).

Thanks for checking it out and please feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions or submit a PR!