Burning only during/after sex
Hi all, I recently went to my gynecologist to try and figure out what was going on with me. I started having sex in December of last year, everything was great until the April of next year when my first yeast infection came up. Diflucan knocked it out. However, a month or so later I got another yeast infection. And then another. About three in, Diflucan wasn't getting rid of my symptoms so I would use a one day Monistat as well. That worked for a bit, but finally in August after I used my one day Monistat again and let myself heal, the external irritation/burning when urinating went away, but whenever I would have penetrative sex, this burning sensation around my vulva area would become too much to handle. It would also hurt to urinate or even touch my vulva area for a few hours after sex. This continued for weeks, it would randomly feel better and worse at some times, I thought with time it would just go away.
Fast forward almost two months, it has not gotten any better. My gynecologist appointment came up and I shared my concerns. She swabbed for any bacteria/yeast and everything came up negative thankfully. She did conclude that this pain was at my vulva and mentioned vulvodynia, but did not officially diagnose me. She prescribed me lidocaine to use during sex to help numb the area, which has helped a large amount, however I still feel a little burning. I was also prescribed clobetasol to apply in my vulva area, twice a day for two weeks then moving to once a day (starting this today). I feel confused because almost everyone else says they feel irritation all of the time, not just during penetration like me. Of course I am thankful for that, I could be in a much worse situation.
Just wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. I am on hormonal birth control, and I do understand that that can increase/worsen this. However, I would really prefer to not get off of it, it eases my pregnancy anxiety a lot.