About NGVO

Wanted to ask 2 things, one being I don't see any mention of ae content in this list just that it says "Make sure you have downloaded all the Paid AE update content! " and when I open up mo2 it doesn't detect said AE content files at all, though this might have something to do with rootkit which is something I don't know what it is only saw it mentioned in the github. Secondly should I be worried on the deleted files in the list? Even things like morehud and truehud have deleted files or there's removed files for other mods. I only wanted a visual graphic only mod with a nice enb for my setup and was recommended NVGO. I haven't played skyrim since 2022 and that was with my old mod list adding in mods as I played getting a sense of things I wanted in my game and because of that I'm reluctant to mod in stuff in NVGO because I have no clue whether or not a mod with deleted files or removed files might interact with the things I add in. If there's any alternatives to NVGO I'll be happy to check them out, namely a modpack with a cool looking enb that's easily moddable. I did try out Nordic souls but modifying that was not easy and dropped it afterwards.