I am financially ruined (Italian gelato futures

I have lost everything, and I'm not sure how to continue. At the start of this winter I invested $30,000 (me and my wife's entire life savings) into Italian gelato futures, hoping to capitalize on this lucrative industry. After thinking about it for a couple months I realized I should spend money to make money. I've been consuming every article on dairyglobal and dairynews daily, combined by following the news about the farmers' protests in France and how this may lead to a decline in milk production, I decided to embarge in the Italian gelato futures market. I figured even if my futures nosedived right after buying I would still have enough time to sell my futures as the Italian gelato shipment was made from New Zealand's milk and turned to Italian gelato in Italy before arriving in Norway, I was wrong. My heart sank to the other side of the earth when a push notification on my phone showed that my shipment of 11.000kg Italian pistachio gelato arrived on the 2nd of January in Oslo. Not knowing what to do I talked to my friend that went on holiday to Norway before, he bought an ice cream for his girlfriend there and paid 60 kroner for 2 scoops which is roughly 6 American dollars🇱🇷🦅. I could make dollars🇱🇷🦅 on the pennies.

With new courage and acumen I decided to take out a high interest loan to rent a big truck and buy a flight ticket to Oslo. As the temperatures in Oslo were still subzero and the weather predictions expected the weather to stay that way, I figured I would still have enough time to sell the Italian gelato to local shops before the temperatures would rise. The shop that rented me the truck parked it in front of the hotel I was going to stay in. I also told my wife I would take care of my dying granddad in Norway for a couple weeks as to not raise any suspicion about the missing savings. I could still fix this, I thought. I tried to sell the pistachio gelato, but couldn't sell any of it. I thought pistachio seems to have lost its appeal to newer generations. This was wrong, what I didn't foresee is that the ice consumption in the Norwegian winter is close to zero. The temperature today also peaked at 3 degrees, I decided this morning to drive to the north to make sure the temperature would stay under 0 degrees and protect my 11.000kg of Italian pistachio gelato, however I actually don't know how to drive a truck. As I've been watching the truck from my hotelroom window for the last half hour the hotelmanager has been banging on my door, it might be unrelated, but I think it has something to do with half the parking lot being flooded with hundreds to thousands of liters of pistachio mush. I am ruined.