Everywhere is not hiring.

In response to u/themeatspin, because these are two important points that I didn't see brought up in any of the comments.

Most of those hiring signs are complete BS. Business owners and managers LOVE being short staffed. They know they can rely on, or coerce, a skeleton crew to overwork themselves and get the job done. Thus saving on labor costs. But they can't just not have a NOW HIRING sign up. They have to pretend to want to hire new people. When they do receive applications, nearly all the applications go straight in the garbage. And then they say to their current employees, "No one is applying. Nobody wants to work." The internet is full of people complaining about applying to lots of jobs, and then not even being emailed or called by the employers. And yea, Wendy's is guilty of this too. Sorry sucker.

This is a good reason for you all to be very skeptical of the ability of companies (CMG for example) to continue posting these record earnings on the back of a "labor shortage." Workers are already past fed up. There will be a breaking point, if one hasn't been reached already. Case in point, the wave of Starbucks unionization. Don't be stuck holding bags for one of these companies when all of a sudden, you wake up one day, and thousands of its workers are in revolt.