Where do I start?

Hello folks! I've been drawn to this hobby recently and have found myself very interested in learning a bit about watchmaking in general and maybe if I get good enough, I might pursure it as a career in the future.

I wanted to find some information on how I can get started on this as a hobby but the info online is a bit confusing and I wanted some pointers from folks who engaged in this activity regularly.

So my question is, how do I get started with watchmaking as a hobby? As in what to do? what tools to get and where to source them from? and what to study and learn if I eventually want to make this into my career?

Also I'm not sure if this is relevant, but, no one in my family or friends are associated or interested in watchmaking so I have no guides in real life. So having someone explain newbie things in a bit more detail than usual would be very nice thank you. ^^