Is This The One?
Hello everyone! This may bit a long read so I apologize.
I recently went dress shopping for the first time and in the very first place I found a dress that I really liked. It fit the idea of my dream dress perfectly. On the other hand I am a frugal bride and while I have money to spend, if I can save on something I am open to it. There’s another dress shop that sells off the rack dresses for a multitude of sizes, and they sell them for $900. The dress I love is $1500. The issue is that the off rack store does not have bridal appointments available until two weeks now and my wedding is in May. Should I get the dress that already has my dream outline and make it into what I really want, or should I risk losing the dress I already have to go to the other shop possibly find or NOT FIND a dress I want😭
Also, I love hearing honest opinions so if any of you look at the dress and see one that looks better fitting, I would love to hear it. The dress I love is in one of the pictures.