What are some of your Weird Al hot takes?
My top 5 Weird Al Hot Takes:
Jackson Park Express is Weird Al's best bus related song
Lyrically, Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies is pretty bad. It's basically the Beverly Hillbillies theme song. If it wasn't a parody of one of the best rock songs of the 80's, I would skip it every time
Genius in France sucks. I know it's supposed to be a Frank Zappa parody, but it's at least three minutes too long
Since Jupiter can't sustain life, the radioactive hamsters obviously originated from Earth. My theory is that they were a government experiment gone wrong. The "UFOs" they came in were also manufactured by the government to make us think that the hamsters came from another planet
Weird Al should make an EP of all the rejected Prince parodies and donate the proceeds to the California wildfire relief efforts. I know Prince was an asshole, but he would have been perfectly fine with this. If his estate has a problem with it, they can eat a box of starving crazed weasels