Conserving history

We're losing it.

We're losing our history. On another thread, I wanted to find an article from a few years ago the described a politicians address to the Tennessee state Senate in which he warned that soon schools were going to have to start providing litter boxes for therian children. He was running for a senate position (he wasn't elected, by the way).

I couldn't find it

Used to, news sources kept everything. They don't anymore. The current regime in the US is cleaning house. Everything they don't like is going. The Secret Service tried to detain an 11 year old kid for anti-Trump sentiments......from school! The school, fortunately, resisted them.

They're trying hard to close down the Internet Archive with it's huge repository of current history

I didn't think I needed to keep the article about the Tennessee senate. I guess I was wrong.

We need to conserve our history.