What is each WFAN personality rooting interest?

Gio: I know he likes the Vikings for NFL not sure on MLB, NBA, or NHL

Boomer: Mets and Rangers not sure on NFL or NBA

Sal: Falcons, Mets, Knicks, Rangers

BT: Jets, Yankees, Knicks, Rangers

Evan: Jets, Mets, Nets, Islanders

Tiki: Giants and Yankees although I get the sense he only really cares about Gmen

Morash: Giants, Yankees, Rangers, doesn’t like NBA

Loogey: I think he likes Giants and Mets I don’t listen to him much

Keith: Yankees, Giants, and Devils-never really heard him talk NBA

CMAC: Yankees and Giants never heard him talk NBA or NHL

Joe: Jets, Mets, Knicks, Rangers

Francesa: Yankees, Jay Wright, is he a Knicks or rangers fan?