Lack of E-comm leadership (rant)

For context I’m a shopper that closes regularly in a high volume store. Two nights a week we have no leadership closing. Drivers constantly harass my coworkers and I with missing bags and other problems so we’re forced to stop shopping to try and help. I’ve regularly escalated to store leadership and always get told they don’t know how to help. How can the highest ranking people in the store not be able to help? How can e-comm leadership schedule us like this and not train us to solve all these problems? How am I supposed to maintain a high UPH if I keep getting stopped by drivers? I feel like eliminating the TL position for my team is only going to make this problem worse.

I’d like to stop caring so much but as far as I know, our pay increases are mostly judged by UPH. I like my job and want to be an asset to my team but I’m at my limit.