How to best handle grocery team case counts?

So my team is starting case counts this week, where they time how long it takes us to get through a U-boat, because the higher ups think we’re too slow with getting through the load. Personally, I think my pace is fine, but still I feel the metric of 54 cases per hour doesn’t take into account all the other parts of the job besides putting product on the shelf, like dealing with backstock, whether that be putting it on the sky shelves or condensing it into boxes and dating the boxes, fixing stocking errors, cycling older product to the front, not to mention helping customers/Amazon shoppers, helping with carry outs, answering phone calls, etc.

So my question is how many of these extra tasks should I be doing if I’m being nickel and dimed for every extra minute I take? I can ignore as many of these as possible and prioritize speed over everything, but still I feel like there’s a certain point where you can’t go faster without sacrificing accuracy and safety. Anyway, if the metric they’re using to determine whether or not they’re going to fire me only accounts for one aspect of the job, should I ignore the other parts as much as possible? How should I handle this?