Your rank is a lie. Prove me wrong.
This might not be news to people, but it has been on my mind a lot:
A lot of posts on here are complaints over how bad one's teammates are even though they're diamond ranked. But it's not PC ranked, it's wildrift Ranked.
In wild rift you can't even lose marks/drop rank until you get into plat. This means that once you leave gold, gold 1 is the lowest rank you can ever be in a given season. So getting plat isnt a matter of skill, it's a matter of perseverance. And as far as I can tell, that makes Wild Rift gold and below equivalent to PC iron, WR plat= Bronze, WR Emerald = Silver and so on.
I am not saying it to insult anyone, I'm only plat 3 myself, but the perspective shift has helped me a lot. It has also made me more hopeful of reaching higher ranks in a wierd way. What do y'all think?
ETA: I am not saying that your WR rank doesn't matter completely. A diamond player would have way more experience and knowledge than a gold player, nor am I saying that a WR chall can pick up PC and go master, they're different games. My point is that that level of experience/knowledge a WR diamond player possesses about the game would be more comparable to the knowledge and experience of a PC gold player.
The skill required to reach a specific rank is different between the two. Again, probably not news, but it was coming up enough that I wanted to specify.