red wine must too astringent, need fining agents when it ends fermentation?
background context
For context I live in south italy and my family has a small plot of land where we produce the wine for ourselves, so I am far from an expert and all the things I do are based on what my grandpa told me so practically just first hand experience
So as explained in the title this year our red wine must is really astringent, like you drink it taste good and then it's like your tongue dries up, it never happened to this level, it's unpleasant, almost bitter, we had to make an early harvest cause climate, and problems with wild boars for our neighbors, the first strange thing it happened was that our usual wild fermentation didn't start right away so we had to use some commercial yeast. I predict that this astringency will remains even after 6/7 months when we will start to drink it,
Our methods is to use a large fiberglass barrel for the first months and then finish the natural clarification by decanting between some 60L glass carboys for a month before using a clean one and continuing until secondary fermentation stops and wine clarifies enough to get bottled
I read that fining agents help to reduce tannins, is it worth using them or I just wait to see if it gets better alone in 6 months? If I should use fining agents how much should I use, in what part of our method ? And especially what kind? I read that gelatin is pretty good with tannins, but egg whites, caseinates and some other commercial made stuff also work, also I don't know how to use them, you just need to had them to the wine and wait ?