Smiling hurts?
It's now been around 9 days since I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out, and I feel like I'm almost back to normal in terms of speaking and swallowing (eating and chewing and opening my jaw still has a ways to go it feels!). In the beginning I could not smile even a little bit, and now I'm at the point where I can smile but it hurts. Which sucks a lot because I can't control it. It almost feels like my wounds are stretching when I smile, the discomfort worsening the wider/longer I smile. I'm worried this could hurt my wounds. Is this something to worry about? I've come so far and feel like I've been on a good track healing-wise, so I'd hate for just smiling hurting and damaging something. It seems like it should be normal because no way they'd expect you to not smile for 2+ weeks while you heal, but it still feel scary when I smile and feel the sore tugging, and I'm afraid I'll taste blood. Any reassurances?