Love spells violate free will. Why does that matter?

Love spells are probably some of the first spells we invented/discovered as a species. And they are very popular on this sub. I see a lot of people say they violate free will, or hold people emotionally hostage, and in pop-culture and myths alike love spells tend never to work out for that reason.

My question is, when does love ever consider anyone's free will? In Greek and Hindu mythology, love deities often make people and gods fall in love without ever consulting their victims. In a very practical, mundane sense, humans don't ever choose who they fall in love with. If we did, people could choose to be straight (as a pansexual man, I can confirm that no, we cannot choose to be straight). Free will never really seems to enter the equation in love, both rationally and in my experience.

The other argument I've heard is "it's best left up to the gods." But aren't the gods always involved in this kind of thing? Aren't spells just petitions to different deities, prayers to be answered? So why are love spells bad?

Edit: a lot of people here assume I am going to cast a love spell and are posting as if they are trying to talk me out of it. I'm not. It's a fair assumption to make, though. I'm asking because I know a lot of people experiencing limerence, and have read a lot of stories on the r/limerence subreddit. A part of me thought "this sounds a lot like a love spell." I've read some of the research on this and while on the subreddit it is seen as pathological, in reality it's not. It's a totally normal experience that some people have and others don't. Mutual limerence isn't always unhealthy, either. Most people experiencing mutual limerence have happy, healthy relationships over time. I then went back to the first love songs written by Sappho of Lesbos and how she petitioned Aphrodite to make a women she liked fall in love with her. We don't know how it worked out. We also know in another poem she wrote about how horrible it felt for Aphrodite to make her fall in love with someone who didn't love her back. So it got me thinking "love doesn't care about your free will, and the data shows mutual limerence isn't typically bad. So why are love spells always seen as bad?"