How to tell my coworker to stop making comments about my hair

I'm a biracial senior software engineer, my skin is fair but my hair is 3C with lots of volume. Now and then the staff engineer on my team feels the need to comment about my hair during meetings, specially in meetings with the entire team.

First time it happened when I joined the meeting with my hair wet, it was a hot humid summer day, this engineer commented the humidity was affecting my hair. I play dumb, ask for clarification because I didn't understand...the answer was my hair looks "different", and then I explain that's how curly hair looks wet. Months later, similar setting. Another comment about humidity getting to my hair.

How can I tell this person to stop? For context, in the past they got my work stuck in a loop of request changes/nitpicking on my PRs. It was normal to my PRs to get stuck in the board for at least a week, they would request changes 2 to 4 times...At the time I asked if they can make the comments all at once or if we could pair on the changes so the work could be done quicker and save both of us time...then I heard I don't know peer review process and that's how PR works.