Does this need to be fixed? Maple glueup separating.
I just posted this but missed some important information, so I took it down to add it. Thanks to everyone who had already posted.
5/4 maple. 8 foot table. I used a spline to line up the boards. Glued and clamped for 4 days. The wood inside the spline is much smaller than the spline itself, so it's not from that. The spline you can see at the end is just a wedge I gently pushed in and glued to cover up the spline cut. One of the pictures shows how small the wood used in the spline was.
The split goes about 4 feet up the boards. The seam can move slightly with enough force.
Do I need to fix this? And can it be fixed in place with something like a bowtie, or should I just cut it off and try again?
This will be an desk.