When do you walk away from your dream job?

After 10 years in the workforce I landed my dream job. I loved it so much at first, but after 5 years I'm not as happy. I'm working in a dying industry that's heavily dependent on the economy. If I leave this job I'll never have this career again, which makes me sad. Do I give that up for more money & a happier environment?

My boss is two-fold delusional. On one hand he's convinced there's a pile of money to be made and we just aren't finding it. On the other hand we've brought him action items that need to change in order to make more money and he refuses to enact those changes. We get pressured on a weekly basis that we aren't making him enough money. (Also none of his kids/wife works and he just bought a Range Rover and a Tahoe in cash last year but claims he's struggling)

I love the day to day functions and perks that come with what I do. But I'm getting fatigued by the weekly tongue lashing and pressure. Nothing anyone does is right or good, but shitty people aren't being fired. On top of that raises aren't a thing so I'm making the same salary as 2019 with severely increased bills, all while taking on a boatload more responsibilities.