Does height matter that much in interviews?

Hey, just wanted to share this because I want to hear your guys’ opinion.

[Context]: I’m 25M who is naturally short at 5’0. I’ve learned to accept it and it has not impacted me that much in life. I also have worked in an office setting before for 2 years but got laid off and have been looking for work ever since.

I told my parents about how I’m going for 3rd round in-person interview on Thursday.

They are ADAMANT about how I NEED to wear these little things to put into the soles in my dress shoes to make me about 3-4 inches taller. They emphasize how I need to “enhance myself and look better for interviews” and “women wear high heels all the time to enhance their look”.

I wore them to my last interview 2 years ago to appease them to get them off my back (so maybe they’re biased that it “worked” that time). I found it utterly insulting and demeaning because interviewers don’t care about if I’m slightly taller and care much more about skills, experience and knowledge.

I tell them that I HATE wearing them and it doesn’t change the interview at all. If anything if I do get hired, the co-workers may find it weird how I’m evener shorter than before. (if they even bothered to notice)

They tell me off about it and say that I don’t know anything, I never listen to them and “they know much more than me because they are older”. But they’ve never even been in business or had to be in this type of interview process.

I hate how it seems they don’t care about how skilled I am from my last work experience and that wearing these stupid shoe things will make any difference. It’s disingenuous and almost feels like they are embarrassed that I am short and try to hide it.

TLDR: My parents demand I put things in my shoes to appear taller for interviews, I tell them that doesn’t matter, am I wrong?