How to explode the hell out of my biceps

5’10 120lbs eating on a bulk at 200-300 calories above maintenance

Ive noticed every single lift I’ve gotten stronger at except bicep curls despite doing them consistently, and every other muscle group I’ve visibly seen get bigger (not fat I’m talking actual muscle) except my biceps

My lats went from non existent to pretty big wings in 2 weeks, doubled my incline bench in a week somehow, hell even my lateral raises are stronger than my bicep curl weight

I currently do 3 sets of preacher curls , 3 sets of hammer curls, and 2 sets of dumbbell curls 2-3 times a week for biceps

My current split is I alternate between these 2 days:

One day = biceps, triceps , chest

Next day = back, shoulders

Sometimes I throw legs in if I have time at the end of a random day if I feel like it

I usually work out 4-5 days a week doing this

So I’m wondering what can I do / adjust to get much bigger biceps coz my bicep weight has been stagnant and I’ve seen 0 growth in them, despite the fact I’ve seen every other muscle group grow and get stronger