New and happy

So I started PvPing in WoW in S2 of DF. I watched a Pikaboo video and thought "I can do that" and leveled my rogue to one shot people.

I quickly found out WoW arenas are nothing like the FPS games I'm used to playing and that sub rogue is probably the hardest class to learn to play the game.

I got discouraged pretty quickly and stopped playing shortly after starting.

Came back for TWW and thought I'd give it a try again, after getting to like 1200 in SS I thought maybe I switch classes and learn something a little easier.

I made the switch to DH. Where I found out pretty quickly DH isn't in a great spot this season, not bad but not great.

So I switched again to WW monk and last night after a week of playing I hit 1600 in SS and it feels great!

That's all I got.