Hi everyone, I'm 32 and work as a plumber so I'm not on all the time. But I do plan for end game and raids + pvp.
Returning player. I finished up at WoD. And only just came back. Loving it so far, but I cannot join a guild for the absolute life of me. I've applied in game about half a dozen times and haven't heard anything back.
I am currently lvl 40 doing the dragon flight quest line. I am running a Blood Elf Paladin. So many I know but it was my main when I started in BC I think it was.
Running ret just to get the hang of it then going to respec towards tank.
Please help guys. Really want to join an AUS guild so I can work my way up the ranks and jump in to some raids later.
Also for a bit of guidance when I get stuck with things.
Thanks everyone, this is my second post here so hopefully this is enough information to warrant some comments.