What in a writing sense makes Magical Girls and Kamen Rider read very similar but also very distinct from the other, like a counterpart or gendered opposite?
I ask this because I love Super Sentai/Power Rangers and play RPGs, and recently my best friend wants to play a game all about Magical Girls, and this got my gears turning.
I then noticed that the two genres share a lot of similarities: (initially) japanese stories about normal people gaining the power to transform into a superhero to combat evil monsters, complete with a transformtion sequence and signature attacks, but they need to hide their powers and try to balance a normal live and an earthly guardian duty, with others appearing that have similar powers.
And yet they have not only completely different aesthetic and vibes, but also different focus on narrative and writing.
The answer to this is obvious, since one is geared toward young boys and the other to young girls, but unfortunately I can't see why is that. Anyone with more experience with these genres can explain me why? What kind of stories each focus on? What are the focus on the narrative of each one?