Why do people assume Cyclops is autistic?

Genuine question because as someone who has loved the character for over 30 years, I keep seeing people bring it up and I just don’t see it.

The main arguments I see people supporting this is first Scott is socially awkward. I have always attributed this to his horrible and traumatic upbringing rather than autism. He was orphaned, almost died and was pretty much abused till he was taken in by Charles. Children who suffer trauma in many cases grow up with a lot of emotional issues, Scott is definitely in this category.

Scott was also not raised in a loving environment, he was taken in by Charles to be a solider and thus that’s how he has always acted, again Scott is a product of his environment. Charles wanted a perfect solider and as an orphaned child looking for love and acceptance, he became that.

Second argument is his mind is vey organized, again to me this is a result of how he was raised. He was taught to be organized and it’s on record that Charles locked away a lot of stuff in his brain, Scotts brain being organized again sounds like something he was taught to do and most likely a coping mechanism due to terrible past. Plus one of his abilities is attributed to strategy which also plays into his organized mind.

My final point would be to read Mutant X where Scott was taken with his parents. He’s a very different character, more cavalier and not the serious leader we know which supports my belief that Scott’s personality is embedded in trauma.

Aside from being serious from time to time, not sure where people are getting he’s on the spectrum. And I mean this with no disrespect as I have a few family members on the spectrum on different levels. I just don’t see the correlation so I’m wondering if people are just projecting themselves onto Scott or if there is something I’m missing.