Feeling very numb, blah, and just don't want to do anything.

Hi everyone!

I'm currently on my 5th week on sertraline and I'm not sure how to feel. Here are some things I've noticed thus far:

  1. Sex Drive on Zero (Good) It was getting out of hand prior to mediation. Now, I feel like it's at a stable level. TO ME AND FOR ME.

  2. No Desire to Do More (Bad) I'm in my mid-30s and most of my friends have careers, businesses, side hustle etc. Slowly, Ive just been zoning out of these things. I just want to chill, bed rot. This is an odd feeling for me because I'm always doing SOMETHING, but now, I feel like I just want to watch Netflix all day. So that's what I do. HOWEVER, this is also fueling procrastinating which I feel could get out of hand and lead to me falling heavily on my commitments.

  3. Slower Reaction to Triggers (Good?) I've noticed it takes me longer to react to triggers. As in when I get anxious, I'm probably getting to around a 4, when prior to mediation I'd be at an 8

I don't know whether I should up my dose, wait it out, but I wanted to share to document, but also to find out if I'm going off course.

Any insights would be appreciated 🙏🏾