Do you actually get crushes?
guys why do I keep crushing on random boys...
How may High School be like for me?
Can girls move their boobs?
What movie score, theme, or song hits you the hardest and gives you goosebumps/chills from its epicness whenever you hear it?
I'm so sorry , from an American.
Do you sleep naked? And if you do why?
What cuts do you girls like
Apparently girls like veins are they secretly mosquitos?
What is the ideal guy physique?
Batman got his name from his fear of bats, using the same logic what is your superhero name?
does getting kicked in the vagina hurt like super bad?
Boys, what’s something a girl can do that’ll make your heart face?
Do boobs really hurt?
How do I get to know a boy without sounding like I want him??
Oh my god
when did you guys start getting in relationships??
Name my dog
What pet names do girls like being called?
How much do looks ACTUALLY matter?
What personality do girls like most?
Oh hello there
guys plz give me pickup lines bc I will prob be forced to tell my crush TMR that I like him .
What something you say/do that makes people go like this?
Is it legal for my school to remove bathroom stall dividers as ‘punishment’?