An Ogre, a Giant, and a Troll (Walk into a Bar) by 0bereg (me)
Almost nobody is using Firefox on smartphones.
Why Do Some Restricted Websites Go Through in Firefox
Is there any way to repair a psp file? I lost all my brushes...
Just picked up Rage 2 for like 17 bucks...was this game a financial bomb?
Change stremio default player Win11
I might be dumb, but is there really no way to close this wall?
Satisfactory is overrated or am I missing something?
This is the end of the road, Goodbye.
Sharkgal Fish Seller concept for vn by obereg
a kitsune concept for a vn by obereg
a kitsune concept for a vn (obereg)
Aniwave is now gone
a kitsune by 0bereg
Vampire and Demon (done in procreate)
The Dour Witch by 0bereg
Moving on, still not banned
Lamia Queen Concept for Isekai VN (0bereg)
Lamia Queen Concept for Isekai VN by 0bereg
Symmetric vs. Symmetrical
Edge only storing history for last 3 months is a huge deal breaker
Fight class 3 had so much potential
I tried to translate chapter 111(30) (3/3)
Best edit I have ever seen ( creator: ZlorDon on Tiktok)
I tried to translate chapter 111(15) (2/2)