Did anyone have a ‘gooma’ after watching the show?
Catching not pitching?
Everyone is always talking about who the finest piece of ass is, but what we really need to ask ourselves is who’s the finest hunk of meat?
Would you dress like the guys in the show do?
Me in middle school 6 years ago dressed as Texas man for Halloween
Supporting characters in The Sopranos
Germany may introduce conscription for all 18-year-olds as it looks to boost its troop numbers in the face of Russian military aggression
For the duration of the TS podcast, Steve Schirripa Stammered around like a fucking spastic
What happened to the number of "online members" in this sub?
I just saw the Virgin Mary at the Bing
When you watch Other shows like Breaking Bad or Boardwalk Empire, it makes you realize how much restraint the Sopranos had by not having Turf Wars every season or many gun fights. It Would’ve been so easy & People Would’ve Loved it
Will Livia go to heaven?
Mabuhay! Red Ollero here, local stand-up comedian. AMA!
henry hill kicked out witness protection in 1987, died in 2012 --- 25 years living out in the open, media appearances, tv shows, left alone by the mafia ---- how come
first time viewing, half of S2: I dry heave at the sight of Livia Soprano. What a manipulative monster. Jesus, how detestable can a character be? It made me want to punch someone in real life
I gotta agree with Phil on this…
Out of all of Tony's men, who would you trust and why is it Silvio?
Most satisfying/merited minor character death.
Anyone ever notice the street sign being a foreshadow of what Eugene’s fate was?
Steve Schrippa is the only actor who is a worse person than their character
I feel like Tony Soprano.
I opened 978 cases and didnt get a knife, this is a real issue aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
My estimation of flesh as a vessel just fuckin plummeted.
Here is some progress for my cardboard grenade launcher
The scene where the Ukrainian father and daughter are killed fucked me up