What would you add to Greggs' menu if you had the chance?
You cannot say humans. GO!!
Fuck you
No key for this door, how can I open it without breaking the door?
What is the most fun I can legally have for £2?
Which discontinued food / drink do you miss the most?
Looking for Apartment Heater Knob Part.
How do I clear a blockage in this on my dishwasher?
What do you get if you drop a piano down a mine shaft?
So it finally happened 😮
Best meal ever
what does my fridge tell you
My hands go like this after a 5 minute shower
What are these? And how can I eat them?
What's this?
Is my action too high at the 12th fret?
Milestones / efforts / my first (?) sober wedding
Might not seem much but I'm on day 3 and that's a milestone but feel terrible every morning so far. When will this stop?
Washing machine throwing intermittent tantrums.
Roast this elderly house elf
M23 Ex’s are swooning over me. Help my come back to reality
Best yt for learning guitar?
Partner called my plants garbage