You wake up this morning as HHH. What's the first business decision you make?
Who Would’ve Thought? (1)
What’s something expensive that is 100% NOT worth the price?
what would you do if a dog magically appeared at your door step?
What’s a weird school rumor that everyone believed growing up?
What’s the biggest rip-off that people still pay for?
What’s a common piece of life advice that is actually terrible?
What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
What’s a "basic human right" that should exist but doesn’t?
What’s a movie that everyone loves but you secretly hate?
If you could send a message to your 10-year-old self, but you only have 5 words, what would it be?
What’s the most “I’m with the boomers on this one” opinion you have?
Here are my TOP 10 favourite wrestlers of all time starting from 10 .COMMENT YOUR TOP 10 BELOW OR YOU CAN JUST SAY YOUR FAVOURITE OF ALL TIME
whats a movie you think they should make more of
Will Austin Theory turn face?
Liv is really cooking rn, ngl.
Who is retaining? Who is losing?
This is how people take you seriously regardless of the star power. TIFFANY TAKE SOME NOTES.
Seth Rollins Vs CM Punk had too many finishers
Is anyone else tired of the “security?”
What are they doing with The New Day?
How often do you watch RAW and Smackdown
Wrestlemania 41 match card ?
describe her in one word:
Should I give up youtube?