What are your thoughts about the other countries to emigrate to? Other than the Wild Wild West or Europe?
Who are these morons in this sub??
New here!
Most of the times I'm okay but sometimes I want a girlfriend so bad.
Queer gworlies group?
Femme or domme appearance?
Indian aunties are the worst...
Im in a situationship with a closeted girl. Am I fucked?
Being a closeted fucks your life...
What is up with round 3??? When is it going to start
The homophobia in india is unreal
As a closeted queer woman in a lavender marriage, AMA
My brother (30M) and I (27F) have very different personalities and I find it very difficult to be around him. How to deal with him?
R3 counselling
I am so scared of going to my new college.
My brother posts pictures of me on his Instagram and WhatsApp groups without my permission even when I’ve told him not to. How do I make him stop?
Acting like victims while blocking seats
Is any positive shift expected in UP state round 2 counselling?
Neet pg round 2 result
Driving in India and sexism.
20-year-old DU student arrested for brutal murder of his family on parent's wedding anniversary
Your fav LGBTQ movie/show
help any good psychiatrist in kanpur
When will india legalize same sex marriage