Calling other women names?
If you're looking for another feel good show with heart...
How can I glow up? I’m 16 and I do my skincare everyday, I use guasha and go to the gym almost everyday. It would be much appreciated if someone could give me some advice. I feel really insecure in my own skin at the moment. I’m not satisfied with my looks.
Forgetting objects
Overdue update to: I have a weird feeling about an upcoming trip
Ladies: let's talk about management and leadership in the workplace. What are qualities/traits you really respected in some of your best managers?
My room is allways dirty
Tell me a time you were scared to end a long term relationship but it turned out to be the best decision
Can you share some positive news or things you’re looking forward to this year?
People challenging your dating standards?
How do you work with dating a man that has bad financial literacy?
Are you afraid of your good moods?
What are/were your FICTIONAL character crushes??!! (Books, movies, series, animation)
What occupations do you avoid dating men from?
How do you wash plates used for raw eggs/meat/chicken?
Im suffer from depression/adhd but got the courage to clean my room for the first time in months! This was a big deal for me I am proud
Urge to talk
Type B Mom Christian Podcast?
How are we getting through a mental health struggle?
Am 17f what advice you will give me ?
Friend always in crisis
Using reddit when you're not from the west
Advice about not controlling the class
Ladies, what are your hot takes / unpopular opinions!?