Lower Middle Class Starter Pack
MY FLGS is organising a carnival-themed mini painting competition, so here's my humble entry - the Balloon Marine
Which Pyro cosmetic loadout is better?
How do you define if a band is underground or not?
"Im fully charged"
As a metalhead i wanna buy something from this. I will even give him a tip.
Тримата от запаса или тримата глупаци
have any of u felt depressed about Pinterest?
“I'm in the thick of it, everybody knows”
Български мъж арестуван за върху вода
I had to post it here man
As much as I like Leviathan's second phase form (Make the Exorcist fall in love). There are some distain I have for the design.
Witch Hunter General by mike franchina
фенове на мъск имаше ли тук?
Look out Alt right lol
Serial Killer Fan Starter Pack
Ми,че кво от това?
Изобщо заслужава ли си да се гледа това видео? В смисъл ЗАЩОТО СКАПАНИЯ АЛГОРИТЪМ НЕ МЕа ОСТАВИ НА МИРА!?
Когато (не) си взел заплата вчера!
Метъл хора, моля къпете се!
Baddle jacket or battle jacket? If the first then you can't deny she has a good patch placemat ngl pn that one.
This post is mine. So i saw that one post explaining the top 3 reasons what makes a battle baf and so i'am here asking if my chosen patches looks cheap (because none of them were cheap for my budget).
Just started collecting patches for my first battlejacket.What do you think?
This one is special all right
Velcro can be quite riveting.
This shit hard to look at