would you give up a limb to be 100 percent back to the way you were ? ..and be exempt from having LC again ?
What bothers you more... Physical or Mental symptoms?
Low dose naltrexone?
Nicotine patches and LDN
Why do you think people get worse over time ?
Did any doctors explain why we get chest pains and sob ?
My doctor said he would "never diagnose me with long covid"
Has someone in your life passed away that you wish were around that would help you deal with this ?
How do you deal with the Loneliness ?
Do you have the Chronic Fatigue Type LC ?
Brain fog needs to change to ‘pre-dementia’
Where is everybody from?
it's a fake world, with full of fake people. LC makes you see things that you never realized.
People who are approaching 3 years, 1st waver Omicrons.. as well as first waver Covid's.. How are you doing,and for the o.g 1st wavers, what was the 3rd year like ?..
Do you want adventure, or just a boring life with LC ?
How Long can you hold your breath ?
Complete personality changes
I’m trying the nicotine patch.
Has anyone here recovered?
How did LDN work for you?
What's the reason to go to the Doctors if they can't help ?
Do you feel like random people look at you in a negative way, like your ignored, disregarded, or not liked as if your energy is causing a negative vibe ?
everyone, it's been a hard year, But here we are ... 2025 .. We made it.
Norovirus cases are surging in parts of the US, CDC data shows
Are you okay with traveling in 2025 ?..