Sheeeees Baaaack
Did C break the tablet?! Wtf is going on.
She never waits for A so they can eat at the table as a family.
Omg Caesar salad AGAIN
How do they not get noise complaints. I would hate to be their neighbours.
Watching G high as a kite make Jacobson slop of the day while laughing at her child because he can't communicate due to her lazy failures is the MOST infuriating thing I've ever seen. You're both failures in every aspect of life G&A
Why give the poor kid such large portions? It’s so overwhelming for him!
Idk if it’s me just being pregnant but that looks absolutely VILE.
KEEP YOUR FUCKING KID OFF THE INTERNET. I'm not surprised you got a message like that after the performance he put on last night. He will hurt you one day if you dont get him under control.
Self inflicted?
G and A pay attention because this is really dangerous. NEVER EVER mix cleaning products ESPECIALLY bleach. You mixed three different cleaners, and that can be so harmful and dangerous. Stop mixing them
Aaaand she thinks this is cute omfg
What a waste
I was watching the Sam’s club episode…..G, why do u think being stupid is funny and quirky? U being uneducated and barely able to survive daily affects C and ur ability to teach and help him.
She always acts like it’s a burden to spend money on essential items for C..where is his SS money going??
Girl sit tf down
Hot shot - explained
I feel this is a fake report. ChatGPT gave me something very similar to the description of procedure she has. I have had endo surgery and my report looks nothing like this.
C- same clothes as in his dinner photo with his scrumptious food
Question about the nebulizer
Why keep C’s hair long if she’s not going to take care of it🧐when C starts real school… G is gonna be in trouble… teachers are not gonna be putting up with a lot of things… iykyk👀