Is anyone just uncomfortable all the time?
Lower back pain gone after lap!!
Fashion and Autism...
My favourite mug broke which I used to drink tea every single morning I know this may seem petty but I’m really sad :(
Is anyone else like this?
I have never been more proud of myself.
Organization and cleaning tips?
My boyfriend says "use your words" and it makes me sad
I went out today!! And had an ok time
F*** comfort foods, what's your comfort drink?
This is my comfort plushie. What's yours?
My happy place.
Everyone isn't your friend?
My _____ has autism and they're not like you!
I love Reddit autism 💞💞💞💞
I’ll just leave this here 🥹
I can't take a joke..
Do you also ignore people when you feel uncomfortable cause you don't know how to react?
Anyone misdiagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder?
What typical physical comforts do you actually not like?
Has anyone had a transvaginal ultrasound?
I fell for an instagram and now I have to get a new card.