Does reddit always do this?
POV you're grinding Russia stock
why are these 3 so useless?
The only cool cyber truck
BioShock 2 Remastered GOG Code Raffle
I C + V'd my steam from my OSdrive to an external to free up space, and now steam wont recognize any of the games as being downloaded, despite starting up steam using the external launcher, and my 99% of my games being on that external drive. Only 2 games shown are on a 3rd drive. DATA (D)
Who wants to help me tame dodowyvern.
Is there a historical reason for these Soviets kissing? Are they gay?
Case's 'creations' make for great wallpaper ngl
"Take off your tinfoil hat bro"
Hold up, Villagers can plant the seeds that the Sniffer digs up??
TFE Has Entered the Chat
R.I.P man
What would you show a 2013 War Thunder player?
Is the Chinese ZSU-57-2 clone secretly awesome, or does this shell somehow suck? 6 meter trigger radius seems too good to be true.
Found this new youtuber, think he looks kinda like Soup, should they invite him on the podcast?
Professional mockery of Russia
Seamless lines
Daily (possibly reposted) shitpost #369
People's Republic of China
How do I prevent this from happening? Please help me.
"Tis but a mere flesh wound" - machine gunner
Everyone in Ark right now...
I cant wait for another 3.7, Bomber-Fighter, battle-pass preium, with 2 20mm cannons, a single MG gunner, a great main-bomb, and great turnrate for Japan, they REALLY needed it!
AGS only 7 rounds? is this new or a bug?