Should I spend at least one?
I said I wanted a shiny but not this ugly thing
What is holding India back?
First ever shadow hundo!
Another forced update (apple)
How do I get more candies
Offering below shinys ,looking for negotiable legendarys
Hi I’m looking for a Dragonite I can offer some Pokemon such as Palkia or Zecroma?
Should I purify or keep as is?
Mondays? why not Tuesdays?
Someone had an argument…
Looking for/offering. 30 day trade would be nice but depends on what it is
Looking for / offering. Instant trade preferred
Looking for and offering below
I honestly don't know if it can get any worse than this
Best counter against palkia
Teens which phone do you own?
Lf first slide Offering second
I (15f) read Diary of a Wimpy kid and ppl find it weird :((
Looking for/Offering Below
Lf Image offering shinies in picture
Offering first three pics! Looking for last three pics! 📍
Looking for picture / Offering picture
Can't fly and looking for 30 day trades. Offers below
Looking for legendary, offering pictures 2/3