What if Miguel got backlash for what he did to Robby in the Season 1 AVT?
Korean Cobra Kai Was Under-used
How did Silver make Johnny mad in the Hospital elevator?
Just simply phenomenal
Losing to a guy who is worse than you is hard 🤧
What was the strategy used effectively against Kim/Seo?
BWF needs better marketing
Terry Silver is a TRAGIC character
What are your favorite elements of the show?
There gonna be more alternate covers than the number of tracks on this album😭
Yoon should‘ve been in Season 5
Favourite moment from season 6
Robbys relationships with character in S6P2
Season 6 Part 3 Predictions !! - Check back after Feb 13
That was a great part for Miguel
ive got a really bizzare sekai tekai theory
“We’re safe… It can only impersonate the dead…”
No offense, but the Acolyte is actually good.
hello everyone i got a question for those in f4/f5
Touching reunion as soldier disguised as an elementary school’s mascot surprises his son
Becoming Full-Time Tutor
Should goverment clinic/hospital stop charging RM1 for services and increase it to RM10- RM100?
[May 15, 2015] A school bus driver in Kentucky drags a 6 year old girl 1,147ft (349.6m) while she is trapped between the bus doors.
DSAI is the most popular PM candidate