What immediately tells you that a person wasn't raised right?
What is this injury on keloids?
if you get this you get a cookie 🍪
Don’t let women on the internet make you believe there are no good women
What Advice Would You Give To Your Younger Self?
What does it mean to be "ugly hot"?
What does my preference in women say about me?
If you could reset at 16 with all your knowledge now, what would you do differently and the same?
How exactly does attraction work for men?
What is something you wanted all your life but you know you'll never have?
P*rn addict
What is your favorite animated series of 2024?
Can we all agree that Martian Manhunter is black ?
As a 34M whose never had a girlfriend before, how cooked am I?
What movie scared you the most as a kid?
Men who could easily get a gf if you wanted to why won't you?
What is the maximum age I should consider for a potential partner?
How do I tell my gf that her pussy smells/tastes funky properly?
I have a goal to make a serial animated fantasy/action series, like ATLA or Teen Titans. What advice would you have a beginner like myself, with no animation experience?
Please share 1 thing you're proud of accomplishing in 2024! Boast and brag about YOU!
So, why did you not ask her/him/them out?
How often does your partner give you head?
What is a piece of wisdom you wish you knew when you were 25?
Just turned 25! Enlighten me with the wisdom you wish you got at 25.
Do you think NoFap is legit?